Glossary Files

ADLib Support Information: A to Z glossary subject by subject


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A to Z Glossary Index
A to Z glossary of definition and further information items in the ADLib Support Information
ADLib Glossary (A)
Glossary A: acetonaemia, acid rain, adjuvants, aerial applications of pesticides, aerobic and anerobic treatments, Agenda 21, Agenda 2000/CAP reform, aggressive pigs, agrochemicals, air induction nozzles, air pollution, algal blooms, anthrax, asbestos.
ADLib Glossary (B)
Glossary B: BYDV, BAT, BATNEEC & BPEO, bats, batteries, beneficial insects, bioaccumulation, biodegradability, Biodiversity Action Plan, biofuels, biological pest control, biomass, biosafety, biosphere, bleeding canker, blue-green algae, BOD, British bird populations, Bulls.
ADLib Glossary (C)
Glossary C: caddisfly, Campaign Against Illegal Poisioning, camplylobacter, carbon tax, cattle health, cereal lodging, certificate of competence sheep dips, CFCs & halons, clay soils, cleavers, consignment notes, contaminated land, contour ploughing, COSHH, COSHH assessments on farm, crop disease definition, cross compliance, cryptosporidium, cultivations, cutworms.
ADLib Glossary (D)
Glossary D: denitrification, dirty water, disease vectors, disposal of non-agricultural wastes to land, disposal pits, drains & sewers.
ADLib Glossary (E)
Glossary E: E. Coli, eco-labelling, EMAS, emergency action plan, environmental effects, environmental impact, environmental statements, environmental performance, energy conservation, ESAs, European soil charter, Eutrophication.
ADLib Glossary (F)
Glossary F: farm woodlands, fertiliser quality mark, fencing, fertilisers, field buffers, field margins & boundaries, field terminology, flashpoint, flatworms, foodmiles, foliar diseases in cereals, Foot and Mouth disease, fossil fuels & Non-fossil Fuel Obligation (NFFO), foxes, free-range hens.
ADLib Glossary (G)
Glossary G: genetically modified crops, global warming, graminicides, grass silage, great crested newt, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, groundwater protection, growth stages.
ADLib Glossary (H)
Glossary H: HACCP, homeopathic remedies, honeybees, hoverflies, hydrosere, hypomagnesaemia
ADLib Glossary (I)
Glossary I: ICM, incineration & incinerators, invasive plants near water, IPPC, irrigation & irrigation systems
ADLib Glossary (J to L)
Glossary J to K: Kyoto Protocol, landfill & landfill gases, light pollution, Lycosid (wolf) spiders, Lyme disease, lysimeter
ADLib Glossary (M)
Glossary M: magpies, manure stores, marling, maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides, maximum permissible limits of PTEs in soil after sewage sludge, mechanical spearation of slurry, methane, microbiological contamination of ready to eat crops, Montreal Protocol, Multi-Pollutant Protocol, Mycotoxins in stored grain.
ADLib Glossary (N)
Glossary N: NAA, NSA & NVZs, NVZ maps, nitrogen & related information, nitrogen fertiliser practice, nitrogen fixing crops, no-tillage farming and crop diseases, nusiance, nutrient deficiences
ADLib Glossary (O)
Glossary O: objective 5b areas, odour & its control, oil storage bunding, organophosphates, ozone depletion
ADLib Glossary (P)
Glossary P: parasitic wasps, pasteurellosis, pea & bean crop problems, peat soils, pesticide characteristics terminology, pesticide degradation by white rot fungi, pesticide formulations, pesticide general terminology, pesticide tank-mixing, pharmacrops, pharamaceuticals, pH & acidification, phosphate, photosynthesis, point source & diffuse pollution, prescribed processes, prescribed substances, priority species & habitats, professional adviser qualifications: BASIS, FACTS, PROMPT, BACCS & BETA.
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