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Better Hygiene to Reduce Reliance on Antibiotics
Antibiotics are the major medicines used for the treatment of bacterial infections in both humans and animals. However, there is widespread concern that the extensive use of antibiotics in agriculture will lead to transference of antibiotic resistance to organisms causing disease in humans and thus loss of effective available treatments for humans. IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve, Leaflet 525, 2001.
Biosecurity means keeping farm units secure from the introduction of new diseases, and minimising the spread of disease within a herd. A strategy should be formed with the help of your veterinary surgeon. Specific measures to control notifiable diseases such as Foot and Mouth will take precedence over the general guidance given here. Produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve, Leaflet 311, 2001.
Broilers: Leg health
Leg problems are estimated to affect 2 million of the 800 million broilers produced each year in the UK, at a cost to the industry of over £2M. This factsheet provides information on minimising the risk. Produced by IGER, ADAS and the university of Bristol under the Defra funded Knowledge Transfer Inititative. Defra, Leaflet 522, 2001.
Carcass Classification
Classification is a means of describing beef and sheep carcasses in terms that indicate the suitability and value of a carcass for a particular end usage. The main elements of the schemes, which are similar for beef and sheep, are weight, conformation and fatness. Defra, IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve, Leaflet 314, 2001.
Cattle: Digital Dermatitis
Digital dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin around the hoof of a cow. Since it was first reported in the UK in 1987, the disease has spread rapidly & is now present in over 70% of herds & accounts for up to 25% of all lameness in UK dairy cattle. This is a collection of 3 leaflets produced by Defra, IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, 2001.
Cattle: Environmental Mastitis
Over the last 30 years the overall incidence of clinical mastitis has decreased significantly but at the same time the incidence of environmental mastitis has remained unchanged and is therefore a much greater percentage of total infections.This is a collection of 5 leaflets produced by Defra, Iger, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, 2001.
Cattle: Fertility and Body Condition Score
The technique of body condition scoring was developed at the National Institute for Research in Dairying and uses an 11 point scale reflecting the health & condition of the cow. This is a collection of 5 leaflets which explains the system produced by Defra, IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, 2001.
Cattle: Getting the Best from Them
This is a series of leaflets covering a variety of topics that will assist with this goal. These include bull beef, heifer finishing, finishing weaned suckler calves, feeding issues, beef breeding and beef parasites. Produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, 2001.
This is a collection of two leaflets on clover (white and red) and their benefits as forage. Produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initiative. Defra, 2001.
EU Directive on Pig Welfare
Changes to the EU pig welfare directive, which were adopted by the agriculture ministers on 23 October 2001, have implications for the rearing and finishing herd. This is a collection of 2 leaflets produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, 2001.
Farm Waste Structures: Guidance on Construction, Repair and Maintenance
A collection of thirteen industry guides on the construction, repair and maintenance of farm buildings such as manure and slurry stores, silage and effluent tanks, chemical and pesticide stores. These leaflets were published by ADAS and funded by Defra, Environment Agency. ADAS, 2000-2001.
Food Safety: Minimising the Risk of Salmonella in Broilers
Salmonella is a major group (genus) of enteric bacteria, members of which can colonise the intestinal tract of all animals including man. Salmonella can also be found in the general environment as a result of dissemination of faecal contamination from sewage, wastes from farms and allied industries and wildlife. Produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the Defra funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initatitve. Defra, Leaflet 521, 2001.
Inventory of Methods and their effects on Diffuse Water Pollution, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ammonia Emissions from Agriculture
The purpose of this document is to provide summarised information on a range of mitigation methods (options) to reduce diffuse water pollution, air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions. The aim is to help users in developing policies and selecting suitable mitigation methods to meet the inter-acting and occasionally conflicting obligations. Prepared as part of Defra Project WQ0106 by North Wyke Research and ADAS, December 2011.
Inventory of Methods to Control Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture
This research report published by Defra concentrates on the three main diffuse pollutants N, P & K plus faecal indicator organisms (FIOs). Its purpose is to provide succinct information on mitigation methods and how these methods can assist the user in developing policies to control diffuse water pollution. ADAS & IGER, Defra Research Project ES0203, January 2007.
Laying Hens: Egg production
This is a collection of leaflets regarding the care and management of laying hens produced by IGER, ADAS and the University of Bristol under the DEFRA funded Livestock Knowledge Transfer Initiative 2001. It includes guidance on cages, beak trimming, paraiste control and the determination of gender in chick embryos.
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